Terri Schiavo Dies

Terri Shiavo dies at 9:05am on March 31, 2005PINELLAS PARK, Fla. - Terri Schiavo, the severely brain-damaged woman who spent 15 years connected to a feeding tube in an epic legal and medical battle that went all the way to the White House and Congress, died Thursday, 13 days after the tube was removed. She was 41.

Schiavo died at 9:05 a.m. at the Pinellas Park hospice where she lay for years while her husband and her parents fought over her in what was easily the longest, most bitter — and most heavily litigated — right-to-die dispute in U.S. history. More from CBS/AP ->

Not to sound cold, but now we can move on. When this story started to gather steam and appeared on the various media outlets, it brought a polarized topic that's rarely discussed to the six o'clock news: death & the right to die. The facts for this case are clouded in emotions, but these two questions linger:
This story has made many people take action: making it very clear their wishes if they were in a prolonged vegetative stage. Why is George W involved in a very personal decision? Who are we [the public] to decide if someone lives or dies in such a situation?

When you heard that Terri Shiavo died, how did you feel?

Sad/Depressed Happy/Relieved Angry/Mad No Affect Other

Links of interest:
another point of view ...

Anonymous Anonymous

It's stupid that Bush even put this on his agenda. It's backfiring on him.

- Becky

Blogger Randy

The cynicism of the politicians re. Schiavo is staggering. They know better than to pass a law of general applicability prohibiting family members from making decisions like Michael Schiavo made, so they intervened in this single case. Does this mean that George W. and Congress are going to interject themselves into other traditionally intra-family matters? A very scary thought!

Anonymous Anonymous

It's sad that people who love her are fighting, when they should be supporting each other. Everyone involved is being raked through the coal when it is unnecessary. - Stephanie W

Blogger armando s. sousa

I think the Nature make his work, and the Nature work, is always correct.
Best regards

Anonymous Anonymous

There's no telling what Terri really wanted, since we are only told of her wishes through her husband. I have got to believe that he was telling the truth, and looking after his wife's interest. He did spend all these years with her, so he must have cared for her deep inside.

- Dave Quinlin

Blogger Nam LaMore

Everyone .. thank you for visiting and commenting ...

BECKY KALIN & RANDY: Yes, I agree .. the whole Terri Shiavo thing is political, and it needs to be. Without the politicians involved, laws would never change. I still fear the day that I will have to make a decision on right to live/die .. I refuse to be listed as the decision maker on any of my friends' living wills.

STEPHANIE W: I'm not sure what the relationship has been between the parents and the husband, but all the ugliness is coming out in the public. Where is Gloria Alread when we need her to intervene?

ARMANDO: I do think things happen for a reason. Her death is bringing a discussion and awareness that we avoid.

DAVE QUINLIN: Her husband has the final say .. but why not allow the parents to take care of her, if they are up for it? Money seems to be the motive, as he gets the balance of the $10M.

speak up!

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