I HEART San Francisco

I'm feeling a bit homesick, specifically for San Francisco, California.

Aside from staging all-night Ramadan movie marathons of bootleg DVD movies with the City by the Bay San Francisco as the location set, this Peace Corps Morocco Volunteer looked through his photo archive and created the following heart-arts postcard. More about the 130+ heart-arts at the website Hearts in San Francisco.

Hearts in San Francisco postcard

Here's a partial list of movies I'm watching1 with San Francisco (or the Bay Area) as the set location ...
If you're not familiar with these movies, hop over to the Internet Movie Database, IMDB, and check out the write-ups (some are not unlike sixth grade book reports).

This post is dedicated to all the Peace Corps Volunteers, past, current and inspired, who call San Francisco, and the Bay Area, home.

1. Listing and watching these movies is in no way my endorsement of their entertainment value; I simply have them in my DVD collection.
2. She's moving out of the Bay Area to be closer to her niece.
3. He's been keeping me updated on Hollywood's gossips & rumours; but he's been MIA for a couple of months, so I've no idea what that crack-smoking Whitney's been up to or if Britney's popping out another swamp rat.
4. He's moving back to NY, saying that the City by the Bay is a bit too laid-back for him; exactly the reason why I HEART San Francisco.

tags: ..
another point of view ...

Anonymous Anonymous

Nam, you're priceless!

Anonymous Anonymous

I miss CA, too. :( I can't get over the landlocked feeling of being in AZ. At least when I lived in portland, OR, I could get to the ocean!
Some day when I'm old and alone, I will make my way back there (Humboldt County) - an old woman, her dog and garden.
My son will not leave CA (Capitola) for the cheap tuition paid life in AZ. He can't leave the windsurfing and sailing. He'd rather live poor in CA than anywhere else.
Have fun with your movies!!

Blogger Nam LaMore

CORY: thanks for the encouragement! life here can be a downer on some days because i've lived near the ocean all of my life until now!!! i think i'm a merfolk of the lost city of atlantis!

PERI: i know capitola - i have a very good friend who lives there, and she just wrote me with all the summer news and gossips in that sleepy sea-side town. how i envy your son!

speak up!

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