The Joy of Ramadan

I'm not sure where all the time went1, but a whole year has gone by and it is time to celebrate the "holy cottonmouth month"2 that is Ramadan! Today is the first of 30 days of fasting from dawn to dusk. In addition to fasting, Ramadan is a time for me to put away my pressure cooker, frying pan, utensils, practically everything except my tea pot and tea glasses. Why hide the cooking gear you ask?

Well Ramadan is a time for each Muslim to celebrate and reflect all that Allah has provided, and spend time with family and friends. Fasting all day can be trying, so lftor [breaking of the fast, "break-fast"] is the first meal that is rejoiced with much anticipation. My Moroccan friends, neighbors, artisans, etc know that I live alone3, so I've lined up lftor invitations for the next 30 days .. l'humdula .. no cooking for an entire month!

I fasted 25 of 30 days for Ramadan last year, breaking the fast a few days due to illness.

There has been a tug-o-war of a sort over my blog. Though not on the same conflict caliber as waged between the eternal forces of Heaven and Hell, this is causing some stress and I am purposely limiting my blog posting until it is resolved. However, this won't limit how much time I spend reading your blog; on the contrary, I'll be spending more time lurking on your blog while the fate of my blog tiptoes on eggshells among giants eavesdropping on my blog.

1. The days and weeks seem to blend into each another since my arrival; the changing seasons, a new concept for this native Californian, help to mark the passage of time.
2. Nearing the end of a fasting day, the corners of the mouth collect bubbled spittles. This, with the betrayal of slurred, irrational speech, can make it difficult to discern one who is infected with rabies and one who has been fasting all day.
3. I'm sure they, and you, have many questions for me: Who does my laundry? Who cooks for me? Who cleans my apartment? Who tucks me in bed each night? Who takes out the trash? Who cares for my pet parakeets? Who waters my houseplants (yeah, not plastic)?

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another point of view ...

Blogger Jaja

Hello Nam@Amin !!

It is the 10th day of Ramadan here, how's your fasting ??

Great to see that you are blogging once more...

Blogger Nam LaMore

JAJA: i'm loving fasting this year - last year was sorta tough because i had language & culture sessions while fasting. this year, i'm a bit more relaxed with my daily schedule. as usualy, thanks for swinging by!

speak up!

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