Letter From Senator Barbara Boxer

Envelope from Senator Barbara BoxerEarly in the week, I received a States-side letter that evoked the same swell of curiousity and chill as when my community counterpart showed me a letter from the Ministry of Tourism; this time it was a letter from California's Democratic Senator Barbara Boxer.

Click on the letter to see her bona fided, rubber-stamped signature. Also, as I haven't seen high-quality paper in a long time, it was such a rewarding experience to feel and touch the "PRINTED ON RECYCLED PAPER" watermarked letter; try to find the watermarked eagle emblem on the upper right corner1. It does not take a keen, CSI-2, foresic-trained Peace Corps Volunteer to deduce from the metered postage stamp that this letter was not mailed from the States (though the envelope is purported to be from Fresno, California); rather, it was mailed from Peace Corps/Morocco office in Rabat, Morocco. I cannot think of how else 3.25dh can be put to better use!

I think I'll send Senator Boxer's office a nice thank you postcard!

Letter from Senator Barbara Boxer

1. Ignore the "2005" under the emblem; this was probably an overstocked batch of letterhead papers in attrition mode.
2. Crime Scene Investigator.

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another point of view ...

Anonymous Anonymous

The forensics are funny, but the PCV never really had an autopsy for murder in the US and the guy surrendered the day after she was cremated. He has'nt shown up for the trial.

Boxer is in charge of the area on the sub committee for terror and operations and the Peace Corps Asia and wants PC to be coutner terrorists, but Campbell wasn't.

Look up Julia Campbell and Boxer.

speak up!

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