Artisan Postcards

A simple post this week, due to a few reasons including:
I am finally satisfied with the wood-carving cooperative catalog I started working in December, and the "administrative workers" of the delegation are also pleased with it. The quality and usability of the catalog is much better than I, or the delegation, had expected; though printing is expensive in Morocco, they are printing a few catalogs to take to a craft-fair in Paris mid-March.

With the catalog mainly out of the way, I can focus on another project I've been thinking about: postcard/business card1. Below are two samples; feel free to give your honest feedback (layout, photo/content, font, etc) via comment or email so I can improve them. I've overcome the cost of printing with recommendation of photos (instead of cardstock paper). The artisans can print these and sell them to tourists at the cooperatives, or/and give them to attendees at craft-fairs. I've greatly simplified the strategy/objectives .. but you get the idea.

postcard - wood artisans

postcard - carpet artisans

1 Cory is an interesting Peace Corps Volunteer in that I'm convince he is actually composed of two, if not more, people (I'm not even talking about multiple personalities). He can surprise me with fact-backed discussions on global politics and religion one moment, and then turn his attention to something so mundane such as accidentally burning his socks as if it was the top debate at the United Nations.
2. This is not an e-commerce blog; however, as I learn more about the artisans and their crafts, I'll be happy to discuss what you might be looking for and how to go about buying them.

tags: ..
another point of view ...

Blogger Jo Travels

The post cards are nice... another idea is mixing the weaves with the woodcrafts[?].

The woodcrafts reminds me of Asia too... lots of these there, especially in the Philippines.

Do post the final approved post card!

Blogger Nam LaMore

thanks .. heck, i'll send you a postcard if you email me your address. i doubt if i will post the final postcard, as they are never really final. i'm planning a series of them, because i work with many artisan cooperatives and i'm thinking of different ways to use them (partnering with local hotels come to mind).

i'm not familiar with wood-carvings from asia, but i'll have to read up when i get a chance -- thanks for the pointer -- maybe showing them pictures of crafts elsewhere will inspire the artisans to expand their portfolio!

Anonymous Anonymous

I loved the wood things in the PHilippines. I bought little jewelry boxes, a set of wood women figurines.
Wooden salad bowl sets.

speak up!

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